
Showing posts from July, 2022

Milked cow, spoke lots of spanish, held sweet children, and played a lot!

    Hey friends and family!! On Saturday we got back from taking all the kids to a summer camp called Camp Penuel. I started writing this blog when we got back and tried to finish it the next morning, I was just so tired though, but here it is now!       This camp was incredible, the Lord absolutely blessed all the kids in so many ways. The Lord brought up things in their lives and hearts that are hard, but is now bringing healing to them. The Lord also blessed these kids by providing so many opportunities for us to show them love and support them. The staff at the camp were amazing and just so loving towards the kids, you can just tell that their love is an overflow from the love the Lord gives them. These entire past few days have been even good for my heart to see how big God's love is and how much more vast it is beyond this entire trip and this week.      There is so so much I can talk about in this blog about the camp from everything that we did day by day, moment by moment,