A New Week :)

    It felt a lot different today especially since our team is now down to 4. Different isn't necessarily bad, it's just something new to navigate. It's still been a really good day! This morning started out a bit slower, I spent time with the Lord and ate some breakfast. Then we had worship here at the house. It feels nice to worship the Lord in our home for the summer because we want to worship the Lord everywhere we go. After worship, we left to go to the AMPM (convenience store) to get things for the CDI like toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Afterwards we headed to the CDI because we had a meeting at noon with everyone that works there. Before the meeting started I realized that we had left the food that we made for the kids for lunch at the house, so Sam and I walked really fast back to get it. We made it with plenty of time to spare before the meeting started. We went over many things in the meeting, but majority of it was in Spanish that's alright though because Sam took good notes and I was able to follow along a bit. Once the meeting was over we went with the kids and played for a bit then Sam and I prepared the lunch by warming up the spaghetti. The kids ate lunch and then we had the devotional. This time the story was about the last supper. For most of the first hourish while with the kids I was cleaning up like washing dishes and doing some other things. I think during the beginning of our time at the CDI today I felt nervous to do more things because there's not a few extra people there to quote-on-quote lean on during conversations. I've been praying to lean on the Lord in every situation and moment I'm in. So far it's been going okay, but I need to be asking the Lord more during those moments. When the devotional was over the kids then had a break before Matthew gave the English lesson. During the English lesson the kids seemed to be really engaged and paying attention well so that's a win! They did homework following that and had free time until their family came to pick them up. I got to help one of the littler kids named Ian with homework that included writing letters. That was fun because I had my phone with me to use google translate which helped a bunch to try and explain to him how the letter should look on the paper. He tried talking to me, but I just could not understand :( He had a lot of grace for me though and it was still fun because I was still able to help him. That feels like a win for me today. 

    So overall, a good day as a new team. It's really only day one of this team dynamic and navigating it, but keep praying for how we work together well as a team throughout the summer. I know the Lord has great plans and just has so much in store for us! 

    I have a prayer request for myself that I'm going to go on a tiny tangent because today it's felt pretty big to me. During conversations with our friends that speak Spanish and with the kids I feel very nervous to try speaking Spanish because I just have a strong feelings it's going to be wrong. And for 90 something percent of it that is true because I am not fluent. Some of our friends do speak a bit of English, but I think I should try more to speak Spanish because they know it well. Personally, for me when I know I am not good at something already I end up retreating and sticking to what I know. But this morning and this weekend and my entire time here I have been praying to be uncomfortable. The Lord has put me in those situations today which is a praise report. I think now I need to push further with myself and try even if it feels embarrassing to me. I really don't like admitting that it feels embarrassing, but it feels that way. My prayer request would be that I would lean into already what all I know in Spanish and lean into every moment even if it is uncomfortable and just roll with. Pray that I would be more comfortable with being uncomfortable. I think another prayer request for myself is for me not to panic when someone is speaking Spanish to me because I know I understand more than I know it's just recently my mind has being going into retreat and panic mode before I actually listen to what the person is saying. 

    Anyways, this blog post is a bit shorter than normal so here is some prayer points and a picture :) 

This butterfly was drawn by Jose Carlos (one of the students at H@ngout) and gave it to us! We learned he was listening to death metal music while drawing this and his roommate found it funny lol. 

Prayer Points:

  • For our team to walk in the Spirit in all we do.
  • To live in the moments that the Lord provides us each day. 
  • For my personal prayer points that I talked about above.
  • To also walk in obedience with the Lord. 
We really appreciate all of the prayers! 
As always (well if you're an Aggie) Thanks and Gig 'Em!


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