Adventure time but fancy

    These past two days have been really good! On Thursday was another full CDI day, but this time we got to celebrate all the kids that had birthdays in May. We played the whole time, ate pizza, ice cream, cake, and danced. You an imagine the sugar rushes that happened lol it was fun. The kids seemed to enjoy every minute. 

    We did however find out that Esther and Ana got lice (piojos) from the kids 😬. We've been checking our hair (so far we're good, praise God) and today (Saturday) we are getting treatment for our hair and washing literally everything in our house. Please be praying for no lice! 

    Friday was an off day, so Esther and I got to hang out! We got lunch at this really cool place called Restaurante TNT, it had such chill and relaxing vibes. Afterwards I went with her to look at some beds for when she moves into her apartment here. It was so fun spending time with her and getting to know her better! Small funny story, at one point we went to a fancier store to look at bedding just for funzys. When I say this place was fancy it was fancy. The people open the doors for you, they were wearing suits, and it smelled wonderful in there. We walked around for a bit in the store and then left. Once we got outside Esther looked at me and said "Little do they know I had/may still have lice" and we both started laughing a lot 😂. Our conversations the whole time were really good, she shared her story and I got to share mine. At one point she said that if I wanted to build more connections with the students that she can help translate and I was blown by that because the day before I was thinking about ways that I can connect with people more especially the students. Such a God thing to provide another opportunity, without we bringing it up to her. So, I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store with that opportunity opening up! 

Esther and I after the fancy store 😆

    After a while of hanging out with Esther, I came home and then left a few minutes late to get some more food. It felt weird a lot of the time that I was out, even riding in an Uber by myself because it was just me, but it was good just new for me 😀. Then I came home and chilled for a while, got ready for church and waited until it was time to leave for the service. Matthew was helping lead worship for the service so I got to listen to him practice and warm up. Then he went to pick up Tannia and all three of us rode together. We got there a bit early, but we were greeted by people already there which was really fun. I got to meet Gomez's wife Gladys she is so sweet. For a while, it was us three, Gladys, Gomez, and Matthew talking about lots of things. Majority of the convo was in Spanish, but I understood a lot of it mainly from context. It was really good, I learned that a lot of people here do speak English which is amazing. It also makes me sad though because we should also be learning Spanish, especially for us coming here. I really desire to learn Spanish so I think even being here for a long time will help me, but I think I also want to get a tutor for myself to learn. It will be good for me long term as well as within my family. Anyways, the conversation was really fun and then soon later more people showed up and more conversations happened. Then we all sat down for worship and the teaching. Lagos gave the teaching this week and I believe it was about community and making sure that we remind ourselves why we are here. That's what I understood after the service when friends caught me up. When the service ended we were all hungry so the four of us and Ana, Lagos, Esther and Tannia went to eat at the restaurant in a hotel called The Market. It was a really fancy place, but the food was decently priced so it was comparable to other restaurants that we've been to. It was really fun! Afterwards we all headed home for the night. 

    Katie and I then played mini jenga that I brought with me because we needed to wind down a bit more, still had some energy to burn before we could fall asleep lol. 

    On Sunday we're all going to this place called Monte de la Cruz (I think that's what it's called) to do some fun things. We invited H@ngout students, so hopefully some of them will be able to come! 

    I'm thankful for all the connections with people that the Lord is providing here, I really enjoy people and getting to know people. It's just been really sweet. Before coming on the trip during the applying process I felt peace from the Lord about it and now I feel peace about being here. The entire 2 weeks I've felt peace about being here. Praise God! 

Prayer Points:

  • For more connection with the H@ngout students.
  • To continue to be lead by the Spirit. 
  • For NO lice.
  • For our Spanish brains. 

Thank you for your continued prayers! 
As always (well if you're an Aggie) Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Update (10:28pm): We all have/had lice and have been treated, will continue to take care of our hair! Pray that we would continue to do our daily lives here as we have done including treating the kids the same still ❤️


  1. Loving your updates! So sorry you ended up getting lice - we had them a lot when I lived in Guam growing up - as common as a sunburn there. Praying for you each day, sweet one! - Momma Bartlett

    1. Oh wow, I bet! Thank you for the prayers, greatly appreciated!!


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