¡El baile de la Ensalada!

     We started today out bright and early because we needed to be at the CDI at 8 am. So I woke up around 6:15ish, really wanted at least 30 more minutes of sleep, but got up and got ready and ate cereal and started reading the next chapter of 2 Corinthians (chapter 7). Going to be honest, I need to go back and read that chapter because I did not remember a whole lot it twas very early in the morning. So, I'll catch y'all up on what God's teaching me through reading that next time. After we all ate breakfast and were ready to go, we headed out to the CDI. It was actually not that far of a walk, took about 10 to 15 minutes. Once we got there we kind of just hung out until kids got there. This time there were different kids let me try to remember all their names, there was Kyany (who was there on Monday), Eidan, Asia (I hope that's how you spell it), Julianna, Natasha, Dylan, Iker, Saul (we met him last year, so it was really fun to see him!), Derek, Hillary, Jeorkel (I also don't know how to spell his name), and I believe that was all of them. We met another Maria, also previously a teacher, who was so awesome! Her energy and the way she portrays her words was incredible, the kids were engaged (I was also very engaged), she gave off very teacher vibes. It was also again really cool for me to understand more Spanish just from interacting with her. So another wow moment for me of "I really do know more than I think I do" very cool. We started out by giving them breakfast and then we had a  devotional which Tesla and Cassidy lead. They did so good preparing and giving the devotional! The kids acted out the story of the Prodigal son and it was so cute to see all of them volunteer or be shy about being the characters in the story. All the kids are so sweet. I realized interacting with the kids feels so fun and so much easier to attempt more Spanish because they have a lot of grace for us and we can say simple words and they understand the rest of what the sentence in Spanish is supposed to be, well everyone can but specifically the kids. I will say my brain does hurt a bit because there's a whole different part of my brain working. 

    It's hard for me to remember the order of things that occurred throughout the day so bare with me lol. At some point Maria asked Cassidy and I to help the little ones make a necklace out of yarn, rigatoni noodles, and little green cards to separate the noodles. That was fun to see them enjoy that, some wore the necklace and some wanted their necklaces immediately taken off. Seems about right. The rest of the kids, I believe, were working on homework and other things. At another point Katie, Cassidy, and I prepared lunch for the kids which included sandwiches, half a banana and some kool-aid that's not kool-aid. It's important to make sure we are planning meals that have substance and nutrition for the kids because they do not get a lot of food at home. The kids lined up to wash their hands (lavarse las manos) and we handed them a plate and a cup. While they were eating Ana put on some videos one was called "Mezcla tu sabor" (mix your flavor) and then "El baile de la Ensalada" (the salad dance), hence the title of this blog 😉. Y'all the second song specifically is so catchy and so good, it's been stuck in my head ever since and I don't mind it. When all the kids finished their lunch it was free time. I played Ninja for a bit and I'll say these kids are really good at ninja (I did win once though lol just had to put it out there, the rest of the time they schooled me). After a little while some of the kids then got ready to go to school. Ana, Lagos, Sam, and I then walked the kids to school. On the way I was supposed to be paying attention to where we going so I can do it next time, I was not 😬 oops. I just know there was a lot of ups and downs to get there. When we got there I noticed the school bell sounded more like an emergency alarm and Ana said "it kind of sounds like the alarm in the purge", that was so funny because it does and is actually alarming (well if you're not used to it like me), it's just the school bell though lol don't worry. The morning kids got out of school and Isabella (she's another kid we met last year who comes to the CDI), Sophia, and another boy (ahh I feel so bad because I do not remember his name), and another girls (sadly also don't remember her name, bare with me y'all I'll remember them all eventually) joined us to walk back to the CDI. On the way back I got to chat with Ana for a bit which was so fun! She's really cool! I'm excited to get to talk to her more throughout the summer. 


    We then got back from walking to school and some more kids had already gotten there. After the kids played a few rounds of uno Sam and I prepared lunch which was the same lunch the previous kids had. During lunch the kids also watched the same videos, I'm just saying y'all should listen lol it'll get ya going. While the kids were eating Sam and I ate our lunch because we had not eaten yet. Then we helped the kids with homework. I sat with Tesla and Sophia. She was working on English, which included "at" words like pat, rat, that, etc. Then she needed to do math (oof), she was working on angles, vertices, bases, and the different types of triangles. Which I understand, but could not explain it because Spanish *crying emoji* that's okay though Ana was able to explain it well to Sophia and the other girls who were working on the same thing. We did homework things for a while and just hungout until all the kids were picked up. 

    Cleaned up, locked all windows, locked someone in the CDI, and created the next step of going to the store. WAIT WHAT?! Did you say lock someone in the CDI? Is what you might be asking (I won't say who) but someone locked someone else in the CDI who is on our team and the only one who remembered was Lagos. AHH yep, mistakes were made, but she's fine don't worry we unlocked it immediately once we realized. We had also not walked away yet so everything was A-okay.

    Our plan was to go to the store to get colones put money for minutes on phones, and get nacho supplies for H@ngout with the college students. Later Ana, Lagos and Esther (who is Ana's friend and from Honduras). We went to AM/PM (basically a gas station without gas) and then the supermercado. I think the supermercado is only really chaotic on Sundays which makes sense, it just hasn't been like that the other times we've been there. We then started walking to go home and realized we did not have dessert awww so Sam, Ana and I went to Cafe Momo which is coffee shop that sells bakery items. I wanted to go to have a say in what was picked lol because why not 😆. I think the team has learned pretty quickly that chocolate is my weakness literally all the time. We got chocolate cake (of course), flan, passion fruit cake, and banana pudding cake that was so pretty to look at. Made it back to the house and Katie and Tesla were making dinner, we were having chicken tacos. The rest of us just hung out for a bit. Sam started talking to Ana about different things like their ministry and just how they do things is so awesome, I was glad to be sitting there listening and engaging too. It was cool to hear what the Lord is teaching Ana recently about how the hobbies you enjoy or are passionate about are from the Lord in how he made us. I just think that's so cool because that's kind of what I've been thinking about in myself like the things I like including my humor, hobbies, or just my personality is a reflection of God in different ways. That's how the Lord made us. Such a cool conversation. 

    Dinner begun once everyone got back, we met Esther too! She spoke amazing English and learned she was homeschooled which is where she practiced a lot because it was an bilingual English curriculum. She's here visiting for a few weeks to help in the church with a program for education and business the Gomez wants to create for the community. So cool! 

    After everyone went home, I started this blog (did not finish obvi), and then was part of a conversation with Matthew, Cassidy and Sam about mobilizing Latin America and everything about that. It was so cool to feel my passion and desire for the nations to be reached increase just in that conversation. I just felt fired up and excited to talk to more to people about it. I feel the Lord has placed the nations on my mind so I'm excited to see what the Lord wants for my life with that passion, especially on this trip for the summer. Please be praying for that and the mobilization of Latin America too! 

    Anyways friends, I'm really bad at taking pictures but I also don't really want to because I want to live in the moment and just be present with everyone here. The pictures y'all have seen for the most part I just asked for them from others on my team lol. No pictures this time, maybe more next time :) Well I put the picture of the cover of the song, it's on spotify by the way *wink* *wink*. I just really want y'all to get it stuck in your head too hehe. 

   Prayer Points:

  • Conversations with the college students at H@ngout to be lead by the Spirit. 
  • For our team to be fully dependent on the Lord.
  • To be present with everyone here. 

As always (well if you're and Aggie) Thanks and Gig 'Em! 
*It's fun having a closing phrase lol*


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