No Wifi, but God is still moving!!

     Hey all you cool cats and kittens! (Sorry I just had to lol, I'm in a very good mood this morning!) 

    Our wifi cut out for a bit here at the airbnb, but now it's back! We also had later nights on Thursday and Friday mostly just vibing and enjoying each other's company which is why I haven't blogged in a bit. 

    I'm going to catch you up on what the Lord is teaching me especially yesterday and a bit about our day! I wrote out my blog post on a word doc when we didn't have wifi so this will be a copy and paste, just a heads up. :) 

    Today (Saturday May 21) has been a day of fun, but I haven’t fully wrapped my head around it because it felt like we didn’t really do anything. This morning, Cassidy and Tesla got covid tested since they leave to go home tomorrow. Then when they got back, we joined Lagos, Ana, and Esther at the farmers market to get brunch and hangout. I tried kombucha with cinnamon and something else. It was very good. After vibing there for a while we then left to go to where the national museum is. The stairs we walked up from the farmers market were A LOT, but we made it! Tanya and Rachel joined us which was so fun. I’m really glad they have been hanging out with us this week. Once we got to where the museum is we walked up and immediately saw a rap battle going on well actually more of a roast rap battle. I'm the worst at remembering to take pictures so definitely check out Sam and Katie's blogs/vlogs. I’ve never seen one in person and it was really cool! This whole week I have tried to not look as American as I am and try to blend in as much as possible and also not looking like a tourist because that’s not what I’m here for, so I was very much staying in the back majority of the time. Which was cool, also there is nothing wrong with loving to experience the culture and everything there is to see. I think for me I want to be fully present in the mindset I want to keep for the summer of what our purpose is here. It’s also very easy for me to be wrapped up in the idea of "this is for me" even when I’m not here, just in general, in my life. I'm just being carefully for my personal self. Anyways, we sat there for a while to wait for Rachel to get there. While we were sitting there I was thinking about a lot of things and so I got to share some of my thoughts with Sam. I started out by saying that I feel like I’m in a weird stage of life where I feel like I’m overwhelmed with trying to figure myself out, figure out my personal relationship with the Lord, and just everything that I want to grow in and learn. I don’t know how many of y’all know this that read my blog but I found the Lord my first semester of college during my second homegroup that I ever went to and that’s been really close to 2 years now. Everything has happened really fast in my life ever since then. During that first semester I jumped into homegroup very quickly and felt immediately that this was the place for me. About 3 weeks later I started doing outreach and just felt so much purpose in my life that I never felt before. I just wanted everyone to know about Jesus and that life is so so much better knowing him. Simultaneously, I was learning about my self in a lot of different ways. I feel like before college I was kind of just existing in life, doing everyday things but I just was doing what I felt like I needed to do not really anything that I wanted to. I also was just not very aware of myself or knew who I was. I’ve just been learning a lot about myself through following the Lord and just being in college. Figuring out my personality, what I enjoy, what my relationship with the Lord looks like and just literally everything at the same time. It feels so beautiful to me that the Lord has given me this story, but it honestly feels overwhelming because I want to do, learn, and grow so much all at the same time. And I just can’t do that. I know the Lord does not give us more than we can handle so I know this time in my life is a blessing from the Lord in everything that he wants me to experience. I also know deep in my heart that the Lord does not give us more than we can handle. I was also telling Sam that I also feel like I’m in a weird place in life because I’m already done with 2 years of school, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life or what I want my life to look like after college. I know there are many people that still don’t that are older than me so that makes me feel a bit better. The weird part of this time in my life is that I’m also figuring everything else along with school. Which I realize that is what college is also for that. I don’t know I just have a lot of thoughts and feelings right now that I need to process with the Lord. Our conversation went in many directions, but it was very good in the way that I have so much to think about and process more. That feels exciting to me. I’m excited to grow in every way, even if it is hard. My feelings will most likely change sometime I just don’t know when so I’m going to grasp as much of this momentum as possible while I have it. Maybe I’ll update y’all along the way. :)

    Another tangent that I just feel like going on lol is that this morning (still Saturday) I spent time with the Lord, and I felt convicted by the Lord. I’ll back up a bit. In one of my earlier blogs, I mentioned that I am reading through 2 Corinthians right now and in the chapter, I was reading about Paul who is talking about obeying the Lord. I felt convicted by that passage because I feel like this week, I have not taken many opportunities to talk about Jesus or even engage with the kids a lot. In chapter 7 verse 15 it says, “And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling”. Specifically, the part that says when he remembers that you were all obedient because like I said before I haven’t taken all the opportunities that have been in front of me this week. Which makes me sad. But a really cool thing happened this evening when we were walking back from eating at a Chinese restaurant. We stopped at an AM/PM and I waited outside with Katie and Sam and there was a homeless guy with a cup asking for money. I just kind of looked at him for a bit and then got a strong feeling that we should go up to him and pray for him instead of giving him money. This whole week I’ve been trying to look for more opportunities to make our time here more worthwhile. It already has been worthwhile, but we could be doing so much more. Anyways, I went up to Sam and said we should do that, but I can’t speak Spanish, so I asked how Sam felt about it and he was into it. We prayed for him (his name was Mario, please be praying for him too) and then we all left. As we were walking the rest of the way home I was talking to the Lord and then felt like I realized and that the Lord said “You’re not looking for opportunities to minister more, I’m showing you what I want you to see and what I want you to do”. It was just so good because of how I felt this morning about obeying the Lord especially since I was asking him to show me what he wants me to see and was praying that I would not hesitate when I see the opportunities. Man, the Lord is so cool! In that moment I felt that strong feeling to go pray for him and I did not hesitate one bit. That’s just a testament of the Lord, he hears us and does guide us and wants us to be a part of everything. I have so many feelings/thoughts but for now that’s what I’ve got!

    Here is a next part that I did not copy and paste; when I started talking about Saturday I mentioned that it felt like a day of fun that I haven't fully wrapped my head around. I said that because I am naturally driven and want to keep doing things. When we're doing things that I feel is not actually doing things I get antsy and don't know exactly what to do. This is also something I need to process with the Lord because I do think rest is hard especially when I know I'm here for many other things. I'm also learning to wrap my head around just living life, yet still glorifying the Lord even if we are not directly doing anything we came here to do. Sam also told me that we came and are meeting Lagos and Ana where they are at, their life and how they do things here. That felt reassuring to me because we are here to support the church in whatever way that looks like even if it means stepping back and doing our own thing. There's a lot to be praying for in this for me and I'd greatly appreciate that. 

    Next small update; our team as of this morning (Sunday May 22) is down to four. Cassidy and Tesla left in an uber to the airport at around 6:15ish. Which feels sad, but I also know that they're time here was so worth it and that the Lord used them so well with the time they did have here. It's now a time for us to learn a new team dynamic, not sure what that is going to look like yet, everyone went back to bed after we sent them off so we'll see later today. Enjoy this cute polaroid that we took early this morning!

Turns out taking a selfie with a polaroid is so hard 😆 (hehe notice the PB jar, we eat a lot of PB)

  Here's a couple pictures from the museum, they had a butterfly exhibit!  

    Now today we are just resting, doing laundry, and doing whatever we need to. Today will include planning for what the kids will eat this week at the CDI and planning for what we will eat for the week. For the time that we are here we are in charge of making the menu for the kids and bringing the food (for the most part). Since we ourselves need to get food for the house we suggested getting both ours and the kids food at the supermercado at the same time. Look at us being efficient lol 

Prayer Points! 

  • For our team, in general, to process things well with the Lord.
  • Our new team dynamic.
  • Our time with the kids this week, especially that there will be a bit less of us. 
  • Good conversations with the students this week. 
  • For the Lord to open up more opportunities here to talk about Him and for us to walk in obedience with not hesitation. 

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support, we love you! 💛

As always (well if you're an Aggie) Thanks and Gig 'Em


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