We leave SO soon!!

    I can't believe we are a week away from leaving! Where has the time gone?? I just remember praying and asking God if this was something he wanted me to do. And that was in November 2021. It's been about 226,080 minutes since then... lol 6 months ago. You know, this blog is going to be fun for me because my humor is all over the place 😁. Hope you stay and enjoy! 

    Anyways, I strongly felt the Lord put Costa Rica back on my heart but this time for a much longer time than last year. At first I was very hesitant because 10 weeks is kind of a long time. Many things went through my head on praying and thinking about going like family, school, money, and just many life things. Almost a week later from feeling hesitation about going I felt so much peace about it. I just felt the Lord reassure me that he is with me all the time and will make a way for everything to happen. I felt so comforted by him and I just had to apply. A few days later I found out I was accepted to go! I was very very excited! Soon a few weeks later was our first training and where I got to meet all the members a part of the team. 

    This is our first ever picture as a team, it was at our Letter Sending Party for support raising. Included on the team is Katie and Sam (who are our wonderful team leads! they're great!), Matthew, Evan, James, Andrew, Cassidy, Tesla, and then there's me. 😊 Our team is so unique, each of us have many different strengths and weakness which all come together to form such an amazing team. It's been so cool getting to know them more these past 6 months, it's going to be even cooler to see our dynamic as a team in Costa Rica. 

    In just a week of me being there last year I was able to do and learn so much and I'd like to name a few. 

    Last Year

  • You can connect with people without using language!! 
    • I did not realize this until interacting with the children and all the people there. The Lord showed me many ways to interact with others without using words and it was amazing and even allowed me to apply it to my life here in Texas. 

  • Ministry is not limited to anything! I knew this, but did not know what it could look like. The church there, San José, Costa Rica – Iglesia Gran Comisión (IGC), has many different outlets for ministry. One way is the CDI which helps anyone primarily children learn life skills, get help in school, and just have a safe place to go. Another is H@ngout, where college students are able to gather together to have fellowship and build community. There's also programs beginning within the CDI to help with mental health, specifically for women coming out of prostitution. There's many different ways that this church does ministry and it's inspiring to me!
  • The sun there is absolutely incredible, I got a chaco tan so fast (not to flex, but actually to flex😅)!
  • Costa Rica coffee also incredible, I highly recommend!
That's just a few things I learned and loved about last year!

This is last year's team just for funzys hehe because I just love them! Good mems 💖.

    I decided to create a blog this time for a few reasons: 1. It's a great way for everyone here in Texas to stay in the loop and see real time ways to be praying for us (we'd greatly appreciate prayers, you're a part of this team too!) 2. I'll be there much longer, YAY! 3. looking back on all of this will be so fun for future me and anyone who wants to! There's many other reasons I could list, these are the gist of them. 

Prayer Points: 

  • Everything logistically to be put in place for our team here at home.
  • For our team to get there safely next Saturday (I'll be meeting my team at the airport, while they drive from College Station since I will be at home).
  • Good health for all the team. 
Please be praying for us! 

Expect blogs at least once a week (potentially more). 
As always (well if you're an Aggie), Thanks and Gig 'Em! 

I'm excited to see this view so soon!!




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