
Showing posts from June, 2022

I've been attacked...

      Hey everyone! I know I've slacked a lot on writing blogs recently, but a lot has been going on here (obviously izzy bc you haven't blogged... geezz I know I'm sorry. lol just giving myself a hard time, not really).       One thing that happened is that last week on Wednesday I started not feeling well with digestive problems so I have been sick since then. I went to the hospital on Monday and they gave me medicine and now I'm doing somewhat better, but not fully recovered. I think I got some bacterial infection which sucks, but it's okay I've been able to still do most things with rest here and there. I'm thankful for a graceful team. I'd love if y'all would be praying for me to get better as soon as possible, thank you! :)      Okay, so you may be wondering about that title right? I know it's very direct and concerning, but don't worry I'm more than good lol (besides sickness *sad face*). Let me address the title reference before e

Livin' on Prayer! (aka halfway there, thanks Bon Jovi)

    It's official, we have crossed the halfway point of our time here! It's crazy because for me it hasn't felt like that long, it does but it doesn't lol and we still have 5 more weeks here!      This week was a bit different because Ana and Carlos are out of town for the week which meant it was just us, Georgen, and Maria at the CDI. We had a new plan for our devotional times with the kids this week. On Sunday before the week started we planned out our week which included groceries for the kids and for H@ngout, as well as creating the devotional plan and what we wanted to do with our time with the students at H@ngout. Our planning went very well and we have all been excited about what we're doing with the kids! We decided that we would have a 2 to 3 week devotional plan for each of the topics that we choose to focus on. The first topic we chose is "what is love?" and so the week started with Sam introducing it and having a discussion on what love is. For

The Lord is so Good!

     Let's see, it's been about 10 days since I last blogged and well a lot has happened since. Before getting into what we've been doing lately I feel like sharing about how I'm doing thus far in the trip :)      I'm feeling a lot better about what my place is here and what that looks like at least in our team dynamic which feels really cool! I think socially I am also feeling good, I'm learning more and more what it looks like to interact with everyone here. On Wednesday I was asking the Lord to grow my love for his Word because most of my journey of following Jesus I've just seen the bible as just another book and honestly I don't really like reading so it's sometimes hard to read it. I really desire to grow closer to the Lord and learn more about him and so I've been asking for that to grow in me. While I was praying for that though I randomly transitioned to praying and asking for the Lord to grow my passion for language learning especially

Just keep swimming...

     I'm not exactly sure how to start this next blog post because well first it's been a few days since the last one, it's been really good, but also has felt a bit harder than normal. I'll just talk about the weekend a little bit first :)      On Saturday we all found out we have/had lice we seem to be okay now, but have been continuing to treat our hair as needed. Pretty much the entire day on Saturday was spent at Carlos and Ana's washing all of our clothes and sheets while Esther and Ana looked at all of our hair to take out the lice and treat our hair. It was an interesting type of bonding day, I guess you could call it that. For Sunday the plan was to go to a place called Monte de la Cruz with H@ngout students where you can hike and chill. On Sunday morning most of the H@ngout students were not able to go anymore except for Alan. Instead of going there we decided to chill at Carlos and Ana's apartment again to watch movies, and just chill with Alan also t