The Lord is so Good!

    Let's see, it's been about 10 days since I last blogged and well a lot has happened since. Before getting into what we've been doing lately I feel like sharing about how I'm doing thus far in the trip :) 

    I'm feeling a lot better about what my place is here and what that looks like at least in our team dynamic which feels really cool! I think socially I am also feeling good, I'm learning more and more what it looks like to interact with everyone here. On Wednesday I was asking the Lord to grow my love for his Word because most of my journey of following Jesus I've just seen the bible as just another book and honestly I don't really like reading so it's sometimes hard to read it. I really desire to grow closer to the Lord and learn more about him and so I've been asking for that to grow in me. While I was praying for that though I randomly transitioned to praying and asking for the Lord to grow my passion for language learning especially learning Spanish. That felt really exciting because before I have said that I want to learn Spanish, but still felt unclear if that was actually what I wanted for myself. Randomly asking for that passion to grow in me immediately felt changing because I began looking at it as I can connect with more people even at home like with my family. Then the rest of the week I noticed myself asking how things were said or even repeating things people would say to try and learn it. Even though that was a small transition it still felt very big especially for how much more the Lord has in store for me in my life. The Lord has been teaching me what his voice sounds like to me and that felt like one of those moments of learning his voice because it was not something I was originally thinking about. I think it's cool that learning Spanish may be something the Lord is calling me to. 😃 I also can't believe we are practically halfway through our time here! It doesn't feel like we've been here that long. I have absolutely loved being here so so much! It's really easy for me to look at the future and everything coming up and I don't want to do that because it makes me sad about eventually leaving even though I know it's still a while away. I ask that you be praying for me in that, that I would continually to be present in the moments that I am in here and focus on everywhere I am at here. Also, be praying for language learning for me and all that comes with it, especially if it is what the Lord is calling me to when I get back home when I am not surrounded by the majority of people speaking Spanish. That's just a bit of an update on how I'm doing and what I feel like the Lord is teaching or showing me. 

    This past weekend we did a lot and didn't have much time for rest so this weekend feels good to be able to rest and slow down a bit. We did a lot of good things last weekend, it was just a lot. At the CDI this week we did all the usual things like food, devotionals, play, homework, etc. It felt particularly more fun with this kids this week personally because more of the kids have started to come up to me more and ask to play with them. Before it was me joining in the games on my own or Sam or someone else asking me. I think I'm started to feel more connected to each of the kids, maybe it took longer with the language barrier for me or idk but some of the kids have even started hugging me which is so sweet. On Thursday I got to play a lot with Nathaly one of the girls who is also my walking buddy when we walk to school. I played Spot It with her for a few rounds and it started getting aggressive lol and very competitive to the point where she wanted to cheat and look at the card before me. It was just really fun with joking and laughing with her, she's really sweet. Later that day she asked me to write all the numbers from 1 to 100 on the whiteboard so I did and then she started copying them but soon gave up. Anyways at one point she erased the work that she started and then showed Georgen what "she had finished" lol it was my work, the whole time she kept looking at me and smiling but I jumped in laughing and told Georgen it was mine. 😂 It was just a funny moment that I thought I'd share and at one point another kid tried to ask me to play with them but Nathaly was guarding me and telling them no so that was also sweet. Long story short, I feel more connected to the kids than I have been before this week. Wednesday was H@ngout day and it was also really good. For the past few weeks I haven't really engaged in a lot of conversation because I felt nervous about the language barrier or I think I just decided for myself that I couldn't talk during those times. I know that's not a good way at looking at it, but I think that's what I've been. Anyways this week at H@ngout it felt different, I still didn't talk very much but at the end I started talking more and engaging with more people so that felt really cool and like the mindset I had before was breaking/being reshaped! I'm going to keep praying for that mind reshaping to open more doors and not restrict myself. :) After H@ngout Esther had some things to share with us about how the CDI's in Honduras do the devotional times and how they incorporate the more spiritual side of things. She gave us a lot of tips and ideas to start preparing new ideas and ways to do that here. She even had a spreadsheet with activities and topic ideas, which was so cool. Thank you Esther! On Sunday, we're going to spend time as a team planning for the CDI and thinking things we want to do with the kids. 

    Last night we went to church and this week was Sam's turn to give the teaching. He did so so good! His teaching topic was simplicity and everyone seemed to really take something from it. Most of the time I didn't understand what he was saying, but I could tell he was feeling good as he was teaching. I know he was really worried about it. Thank you everyone for all your prayers for him as he was preparing for it and giving it! After church we all went to eat at Smash Burger. One of Carlos and Ana's supporters told them to take us all out to eat. During dinner Carlos called him because that's what he said for him to do. On the call he shared that he learned what all Carlos and Ana have been through and how Ana's computer was stolen and everything with her grandma. Her computer is where she does a lot of her work and is a big part of her life. He ended up saying that him and another person are going to buy her a brand new computer! That is just such a blessing and such a testament to the Lord providing so well! Praise God! 

Last night at dinner! 

    Tomorrow Ana, Carlos, and Esther are leaving for a while to the U.S. so we will be running the CDI ourselves with the help of Georgen and Maria this week. We will also be hosting H@ngout too. So, prayers for all of this week! Tomorrow morning we are also helping Georgen because all the kids are going to a museum. 

    I know there's a lot more things that have happened that's just all my mind can think of right now. I'll try writing more blogs this week coming up! 

Prayer Points: 

  • For adequate rest for our team.
  • For us to walk in the Spirit. 
  • For passion of language learning to grow for me. 
  • Planning for the CDI and H@ngout. 
  • Team dynamic and to work together well at the CDI with less people there. 
  • For Carlos, Ana, and Esther's trip to the U.S and for all of them to be blessed. 

So many Chihuahuas 😆 

As Always (well if you're an Aggie) Thanks and Gig 'Em! 


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