Brothers and Sisters in Christ!! Whoop!

Ah, what a joy it has been! ๐Ÿ˜Š


We had a slower morning, I listened to worship music, ate breakfast and then we all headed to Casa flores. They hosted a get together at their place where those that have given their life to Christ could be baptized and we could all enjoy a meal together! It was quite lovely! We got there at about 10am and all kind of sat around and talked while Ana and Lagos prepared lunch for all of us. Monse showed me and Aubry a few really good worship songs in Spanish and some of her favorite English ones. I learned an older one called "Alabare a Mi Seรฑor", it was very simple and fun to listen to so it got stuck in my head for a while. All of us then decided to play the game Taboo, Matthew and I accidently got paired up which was not fair for the rest of them especially for those the speak English as their second language. Eventually we switched up the pairs so then it was more even. That was my first time playing it, I think I enjoyed being the hint giver more than the one guessing haha. After a while of playing the food was ready so we all migrated to the kitchen and ate, obviously lol. Ana and Lagos, thank you for all that you do and how much you care for us ๐Ÿ’›!! A bit later, Diego, one of the students, came and was talking to Lagos and Trevor about getting baptized! Whenever he was ready we all went to the front to watch him get baptized and ahhh it was so amazing to get to be there! To see how happy he was to proclaim his life publicly to Jesus was absolutely incredible, there was so much joy in the air ๐Ÿ˜Š! 

We have another Brother in Christ! 

We celebrated for a good while and then just chilled. Monse had been asking to karaoke for most of the day so Ana put some music on, started with worship and then went into everything else! It was very fun to see which songs people were singing to like Spanish versus English lol. We did karaoke for a long time, it was super fun ๐Ÿ˜† "There was a lot of chat to chat to chat chat chat" - Sam me dijo. 

Eventually, once everything kind of calmed down and some people left we decided to head back home to get ready for church in the evening. I believe there was also some more baptisms that happened after we had left, praise God! 

Came home, relaxed, got ready, and headed to church at the CDI. Before the service started, I got to talk to Doรฑa Gladys (Don Carlos´ wife) for a little bit which was super fun and it was also her birthday that day! I was introduced to another guy and we started talking about Texas because he had traveled there and really enjoyed it. The conversation was in Spanish so I forgot a bit of but it was super cool! Service started and I sat by Doรฑa Maria and Doรฑa Gladys. I got maybe 40% of it, I was also tired. Matthew led worship again, he played "Amor sin condicion" aka Reckless love and "Aleluya" by Maverick City. After church I had plans to spend the night with Esther to hangout and just spend quality time with her. So I hopped in an Uber and headed to her place while everyone else went back to our airbnb. 


Esther and I did a lot of random fun things like watched movies, caught up with each others lives, went to a market, made smoothies, and a few other things. It was just a really life giving time with her, I always enjoy the time that I spend with her. There is a whole lot more that I can say about all the time we spent together and stuff, but I'll keep it short. She is just super great, so Esther if you're reading this letting you know that I love ya hehe๐Ÿ˜‰ 

This was at the market we went to, look at those mountains! I was carrying a full watermelon in this picture and when we were on the bus back to her place I had to hold the melon in one arm while holding on to the rail with the other. So I now am one bicep stronger than before ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Ž 

After staying a while longer at her place, I eventually decided to head back to the airbnb. Got home and Sheryl was the only one here so I caught up with her and her day. She had been practicing the guitar and at one point she took a break and laid the guitar on her with the strings close to her feet so I told her "now play with your feet" so she shifted positions and did lol 


Sam and Matthew eventually got back from running/long boarding and we planned to get dinner so we ordered pizza (I actually did not suggest it this time lol I never say no to pizza ๐Ÿ˜†). Sheryl, Sam and I also played bananagrams but in Spanish that was hard. Definitely stretched my brain in ways that I very much needed. Now we're all just chillin, blogging, and about to go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a rest day for us, maybe for somewhere to watch this big futbol game with Saprissa against La Liga, which are very big here and hopefully get to hangout with some of the students. We will also be planning out the week for CDI devotionals, English lessons, and the bible study that we will have on Tuesday in our home! Lots of stuff coming up and all lots of good things! Exciting! 

Little bit shorter of a post, but still all lots of fun! Now it is time for bed to see what the Lord has in store tomorrow and the days to come! Thank you for your continued prayers and for following along!

Prayer Requests: 

  • Transition between Ohio team us with students from Hangout
  • Planning for all the things, including guidance from the Lord
  • Being in the moment with where God has placed each one of us
  • New believers in Christ to be protected and lead by his Spirit


  1. Happy for you my mama's ! Sounds like lots of Fun !! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Love you always from your Mama ❤️๐ŸŒบ


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