Hay un caballito! :O

 Kachowdy friends!! (wow, haven't said that in a while lol) 

Sunday was a designated rest day for this week so we each did our own thing. I think Matthew went to go workout with Diego (the guy that got baptized!!), Sheryl, Sam and I mostly slept in. Well I had woken up earlier and then ate some breakfast but then pretty immediately napped on the couch 😆 listening to some worship music. I was also waiting for my friend in Spain to let me know when she was free to catch up and chat! Turns out we were both napping at the same time lol weird. After I woke up I had lunch and then my friend called me, it was so so fun to catch up with her. Small tangent, but my friend in Spain has actually been my Spanish teacher for the majority of my time learning however she got a promotion with the program I use to learn so she is no longer my teacher. We've become great friends and it has been such a delight to know her, thank you Lord for technology and the opportunity to meet new people from everywhere! She is actually only a year older than me so that makes it even more fun haha. Anyways, we talked for almost 2 hours updating each other on our lives, so sweet! I'd like to visit her one day and actually meet in person so definitely something you can be praying for 😊. 

After our call ended, my team and I decided we would start planning for the week a few hours later so we ate lunch and just hung out until it was time. Later in the evening we were going to a bar to watch a fútbol game con estudiantes de Hangout! 

Alright so it was now planning time! Our responsibilities included planning the devotionals and English lessons for the CDI and then planning out what we want to do for the bible studies with Hangout. Plus we had a few team things to plan out to, so there was a lot we had to work through in a few hours before the game. We got distracted by a few things in the beginning as we started like the rain that just started pouring down, a man riding his horse down the street and random other jokes lol. 

What a pretty horse! 

The rain started pouring a few minutes after the guy and the horse passed by, I hope they got home okay!

Now we are back, officially planning time haha! We started out with the devotionals for the week. Each kid comes twice a week so that means 2 lessons per week. The topic we are going over while we are here is over respect, so the first lesson we decided to define what it is, explain how we each acknowledge and see something that has value like each one of us on a general basic level. Our activity for the kids to write a few good things about themselves so they can understand how they have value and then since they have value it will show that each of us has value. Then they would trade papers and write something good about the other person. Matthew chose to lead this first devotional and Sam the next. The second devotional this week will be giving more details in why we give respect and how God cares about it, each of us including nature and belongings. For this lesson we decided to try and do a show and tell. The kids would bring something that they love and respect and present it to everyone else to explain why they respect and how it has value to them. Sam picked to lead this devotional time. Once devotionals were planned out we then went into English and decided on playing a video for the ABCs each day to emphasize the importance of pronunciation. Then we picked 2 easy words that can be used in many contexts which are "This and That" (in spanish is esto/esta y eso/esa) followed by introducing the very common verbs "Want and Have" (in spanish is querer y tener). Sheryl and I decided to team up and teach these together, I needed help anyways since I cannot fully explain things in Spanish... at least not yet 😉 (I am very close, please pray for continued Spanish learning and growth for me). The second English lesson of the week will be the same format just with different words that we learn. At the end of this first lesson we decided to pick a very common phrase that is used in the CDI that the kids can now only say in English. The first phrase was "Do you want to play?" (in Spanish, "quieres jugar?). 

Next we planned the bible study for Tuesday! The Ohio team that was here has been doing a discovery bible study format so we decided to continue that, we picked the book of Ephesians to go through, one chapter each week that we are here. As we go through, we will ask the same few questions- what does this say about God, what did you find interesting, how will you apply it to your life, and a few others. I am really looking forward to these times, especially because the hope and goal is to do it primarily in Spanish. Then we planned which days as a team we want to do prayer and worship together, which weekends we would want to do things, and also choosing a designated day of the week where we all can only speak Spanish in the house. I am excited about an all Spanish day because I really want to be pushed and be able to practice more. We made Saturdays our designated only Spanish day or aka Spanurday lol (I cringed typing that as well as reading it oh well it is staying 😂). Planning went very very well! I felt a bit overwhelmed afterwards, but felt very good about everything we were doing. 

¡Estamos planeando!

We then had about 30ish minutes before we needed to leave to the bar to watch the fútbol game. We loaded up in an Uber and headed to Los Años Locos to meet up with everyone that was coming from Hangout. The place was super cool and had so many TVs! The game we were watching was Saprissa versus Alajuelense (or La Liga) which are 2 professional teams here and it was the second of 2 games. It was really fun and filled with a lot of good conversations, jokes, yelling at the game, and many other things! Update: Saprissa won (I also happened to just pick a team to cheer for in the beginning and chose Saprissa 😅)! 

Here is a few pictures from last night!


Oh yeah, CDI day! This morning I woke up on the earlier side, ate breakfast, then spent time with the Lord and also took a morning nap haha. Sheryl and I then planned more in depth our English lesson which I explained a bit earlier in this blog post. We added in explaining why we each have learned/are learning Spanish. So I got to talk a little bit in Spanish to the kids which was fun, much longer sentence then just the few that I have been saying 😁. Each of us then prepared our lunches and then hopped in an Uber to head to the CDI. 

Uber rides are always fun! 

Arrived at CDI with great timing, set up everything and then ate our lunch before everyone got there. CDI went as normal, play, devotionals, English, homework, and more play. The kids were a bit more chaotic today, but when it came time for devotionals and English they actually seemed very receptive. Took them a bit to calm down but once they did it was great. 

Here is a few pics from CDI today: 

Matthew colored his own 1 mil colones to use during his devotional to explain value and then rip it to emphasize respect and how we wouldn´t really do that. To then show how it relates to each of us. 

Dance break! If you don't know the cocodrilo y elefante song please go listen to it, porque it is stuck in my head and I kind of enjoy it too much. El Baile de los Animales there I linked it for you so it is más facil 😆

Twas a great day at the CDI. When all the kids had left and the place was cleaned up Sam, Sheryl and I went to catch our bus while Matthew went to La Sabana to ride his longboard. Got home and we chilled for a while then Sheryl started cooking chicken and rice for dinner! Fue muy muy rico!! Muchismas gracias Sheryl 😁! Afterwards, Sam and Matthew cleaned up while Sheryl and I went to MasxMenos (grocery store) to buy a few things we needed for the week including the bible study tomorrow. Now here I am finishing up this blog post! 

Bendiciones para todos!! 

Prayer Requests: 

  • CDI devotionals and English lessons
  • The kids to feel loved and known
  • Bible study tomorrow night
  • For each of us to feel God's spirit in our lives and to be lead by him
  • For the nations! That the Lord would send out more believers to parts of the world where Jesus is not know! 


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