
Showing posts from June, 2023

Chaotic post pt.2

 I started this post with a picture that starts our weekend trip to Monteverde, but after that the pictures are randomly placed because I forgot where they go haha enjoy!  On Thursday night of last week, we all stayed at Esther's to then wake up bright and early to catch a bus at 6:30am to Monteverde and it was about a 4 hours bus ride. There were people from all over the world on this bus. From Germany, France, Honduras (Esther loll), and many other places! It felt cool to be in the same place as many other people from different parts of the world. Which is usually typical wherever you go, but I was more aware of it this time so it was fun to think about.  Idk how well you can see, but I'm pointing to a sign that points to Wakanda 😆 Wakanda Forever!! Infinity miles away unfortunately.  Zip lining!!! This was a super cool experience, it was my second time, but this place had more than just zip lining. Like a large tarzan swing, a rappel, and a hollow tree that you could climb

Kachowdy! Hopefully a couple of blogs coming your way tonight! :D

 This is going to be a little chaotic so bare with me haha. This is what I get for not posting more often 😆 but that's okay because the Lord has definitely been answering the prayer of wanting to be able to live in the moment here rather than dwell on the inevitable future of leaving here and going back home. Thank you Jesus for how present you are in my life and how good you are!  Today (June 17) Ana, Livie, Arelly and I went to a place called Ojo de agua where we went swimming for a few hours! The water was quite cold, but it was such a good time! I think it is really cool to think about when we just arrive here and got to meet the Ohio team, including Livie, because now I see her as one of my new friends. It's been fun to get to hangout with her these past couple of weeks. I've also really enjoyed the deepening of friendships this summer with those that I became close to last summer like Ana and Arelly! 😊 Just a thought I was reflecting a bit of today.  Last night we w

Time for an update, but with many fotos!

Since I haven't posted a blog in a few days I'm going to update you all with pics from this week and give details as I put pictures 😄  Martes! Means an all day CDI day! Here's us will the kids that were there during this session, a little girl named Aisha was sitting in my lap. She's super sweet and always has such a big smile on her face. On Mondays and Tuesdays for the CDI each kid comes once (sometimes twice) so we did the same lessons as we had done on Monday. We played a lot of ninja, uno, and vete a pescar (Go fish). Very good day! It's been cool the last few times at the CDI especially thinking about last summer when I was here when I felt like I couldn't do much besides clean and play. Both are 2 very important roles, however now it's been fun to be able to do more than I could before like helping with homework and being able to explain things and also help leading some of the things that we do with the kids like lessons, English, and games this tim