Kachowdy! Hopefully a couple of blogs coming your way tonight! :D

 This is going to be a little chaotic so bare with me haha. This is what I get for not posting more often πŸ˜† but that's okay because the Lord has definitely been answering the prayer of wanting to be able to live in the moment here rather than dwell on the inevitable future of leaving here and going back home. Thank you Jesus for how present you are in my life and how good you are! 

Today (June 17) Ana, Livie, Arelly and I went to a place called Ojo de agua where we went swimming for a few hours! The water was quite cold, but it was such a good time! I think it is really cool to think about when we just arrive here and got to meet the Ohio team, including Livie, because now I see her as one of my new friends. It's been fun to get to hangout with her these past couple of weeks. I've also really enjoyed the deepening of friendships this summer with those that I became close to last summer like Ana and Arelly! 😊 Just a thought I was reflecting a bit of today. 

Last night we went to church and Matthew led worship with Lagos. We sang 2 new songs (well new to me) called Psalm 51 and Psalm 23, give them a listen if you have a chance. 

Yesterday morning we woke up early to send Sheryl off to the airport to head back to Texas, which was bittersweet. 

Yesterday I also got to hangout with Ada! She introduced me to pupusas and they were very good! We talked about lots of things from language, to the cultures that we grew up in and the difference we felt as kids, to movies and series, and many other things. Ada is also one of those friends who I have been super glad to have become closer to since last summer!

Also at church last night, Sam gave the teaching over the term overflow from Psalms 23. It was really good and felt encouraging to hear. 

At the CDI on Thursday, the little girls pictured here which are Kianny, Isabella, and Aisha were using me as protection from the "big scary Sam" as he was chasing them haha. It was cute that they ran to me for "safety" lol. 

After the CDI on Thursday, we were all invited to Esther's apartment to have dinner together. We ate baleadas, which is tortilla with beans, cheese, eggs for the basic way and then you can add plantains, chorizo, avocado, and some chile assortment (I forgot what it was actually called πŸ˜…). We had these last summer and I have been looking forward to them for a while because they are so good! 

Here's me with a mini tortilla that Esther made for me πŸ˜† so I had a mini baleada!

This was from Tuesday night right before the bible study when we ate pancakes! 

Here's a fun pic from H@ngout this week on Wednesday! 

Also from baleada night! We even played virtual Loteria! 

Vete a pescar! (Go fish!) is always a favorite game to play! 

This is our memory verse for 2 weeks, I am so close to memorizing it without hesitating. These lessons with this verse is over respect for authority and what that looks like.

A new favorite game that Ana taught the kids is spoons! This is now a new hit in the CDI, including Go Fish and Uno. Once they learned it they were so competitive!

We created the challenge to see who could last the longest in wall sitting. I love looking at the little girls next to Lagos and Matthew because they're just leaning against the wall and it's so cute! 

My thighs were burning!! The last 2 that were left was Mateo (kid) and I, I ended up losing because I couldn't handle it anymore πŸ˜‚ Well done Mateo, well done. 

This was from Tuesday on bible study night. I lead the discussion this week over Ephesians 3. I think it went really well, I thought I would be more nervous about leading it but I didn't so that's a win! We talked about God's plan for the world and I sprinkled in the Great Commission and God's heart for all nations. I got to mention how there are places in the world where people have never heard the name of Jesus before. God desires for everyone to be a part of his family and his kingdom. It's such a wonderful privilege that we get to have to get to be a part of God's heart for the nations and that we have our own individual part in it. 😊 

Last night we picked up James from the airport! Now it's just Izzy and da boyz! 

James will be giving a few talks or rather getting to have cool conversations with the guys that are here from H@ngout and for Father's Day. He is also working on some techy organizational stuff for the CDI, so that they can have an easy, new system to keep track of things. Hoping to pack in some more things to do while James is here for the weekend. 

Told you that would be chaotic lol. It's not as detailed as I would like it to be, but I'll be excited to look back on these and think of the stories or moments we had through these pictures. If you want to hear about more please reach out to me! I would love love to chat and catch up with any of you!

Prayer Requests:

  • Father's Day Breakfast that the guys are having in La Sabana park with the Dads of the CDI kids.
  • This coming week with the new team that will be here. 
  • CDI kids to feel loved and cared for.
  • H@ngout students 
  • For Lagos and Ana to have a safe and restful trip to the states this coming week. 
Going to post another blog tonight from before this week! So be on the lookout for that one too on social media! 


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