
Showing posts from May, 2022

Adventure time but fancy

     These past two days have been really good! On Thursday was another full CDI day, but this time we got to celebrate all the kids that had birthdays in May. We played the whole time, ate pizza, ice cream, cake, and danced. You an imagine the sugar rushes that happened lol it was fun. The kids seemed to enjoy every minute.      We did however find out that Esther and Ana got lice (piojos) from the kids 😬. We've been checking our hair (so far we're good, praise God) and today (Saturday) we are getting treatment for our hair and washing literally everything in our house. Please be praying for no lice!      Friday was an off day, so Esther and I got to hang out! We got lunch at this really cool place called Restaurante TNT, it had such chill and relaxing vibes. Afterwards I went with her to look at some beds for when she moves into her apartment here. It was so fun spending time with her and getting to know her better! Small funny story, at one point we went to a fancier store

Gettin' in the groove

    We're halfway through the week and it feels like we're finding more rhythm as a team and having a steady schedule. It's been really good!  Today was H@ngout day, so our plan was to make spaghetti to take to eat there with the students and everyone. This morning I woke up kind of early, not really lol, I spent time with the Lord and read the next 2 chapters of 2 Corinthians. I ate breakfast and then Sam and I went to get drinks to take to H@ngout. When we got back we put the pasta in containers and then got in an Uber and headed to Heredia. We got there and saw Celeste (one of the students in H@ngout) so we joined her until everyone else got there. Everyone chatted for a while, majority of the conversations were in Spanish (obvi) but Esther was sitting next to me so she translated some of what people were saying. Since today was the last wednesday of the month, Lagos and Ana like to celebrate all the birthdays of that month so they brought a cake. We sang happy birthday

A New Week :)

     It felt a lot different today especially since our team is now down to 4. Different isn't necessarily bad, it's just something new to navigate. It's still been a really good day! This morning started out a bit slower, I spent time with the Lord and ate some breakfast. Then we had worship here at the house. It feels nice to worship the Lord in our home for the summer because we want to worship the Lord everywhere we go. After worship, we left to go to the AMPM (convenience store) to get things for the CDI like toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Afterwards we headed to the CDI because we had a meeting at noon with everyone that works there. Before the meeting started I realized that we had left the food that we made for the kids for lunch at the house, so Sam and I walked really fast back to get it. We made it with plenty of time to spare before the meeting started. We went over many things in the meeting, but majority of it was in Spanish that's alright though be

No Wifi, but God is still moving!!

       Hey all you cool cats and kittens! (Sorry I just had to lol, I'm in a very good mood this morning!)      Our wifi cut out for a bit here at the airbnb, but now it's back! We also had later nights on Thursday and Friday mostly just vibing and enjoying each other's company which is why I haven't blogged in a bit.       I'm going to catch you up on what the Lord is teaching me especially yesterday and a bit about our day! I wrote out my blog post on a word doc when we didn't have wifi so this will be a copy and paste, just a heads up. :)       Today (Saturday May 21) has been a day of fun, but I haven’t fully wrapped my head around it because it felt like we didn’t really do anything. This morning, Cassidy and Tesla got covid tested since they leave to go home tomorrow. Then when they got back, we joined Lagos, Ana, and Esther at the farmers market to get brunch and hangout. I tried kombucha with cinnamon and something else. It was very good. After vibing th

The Ultimate Champion...

 Today felt like a breath of fresh air in rest, Spanish, and just a much slower but really really good day. This morning we woke up a bit later than since today was H@ngout day. We all ate breakfast and then went to the park for some worship. Worship was SO good, Matthew lead and did it very well. It felt nice to be intentionally present with the Lord in nature and just admiring his creation. Every now and then I get really fascinated by everything around me that the Lord has created including people, plants, animals and everything in between those, even rocks. It just felt really good and felt like a good start to our day. After worship we walked back to the house and immediately made our lunch to then take to H@ngout. We then got an Uber which I found out is actually illegal here??!! It's not really enforced though so it was all good :) It took about 25ish minutes to drive to Heredia where the university is so we got to admire the city on our drive which was really cool, especial

¡El baile de la Ensalada!

      We started today out bright and early because we needed to be at the CDI at 8 am. So I woke up around 6:15ish, really wanted at least 30 more minutes of sleep, but got up and got ready and ate cereal and started reading the next chapter of 2 Corinthians (chapter 7). Going to be honest, I need to go back and read that chapter because I did not remember a whole lot it twas very early in the morning. So, I'll catch y'all up on what God's teaching me through reading that next time. After we all ate breakfast and were ready to go, we headed out to the CDI. It was actually not that far of a walk, took about 10 to 15 minutes. Once we got there we kind of just hung out until kids got there. This time there were different kids let me try to remember all their names, there was Kyany (who was there on Monday), Eidan, Asia (I hope that's how you spell it), Julianna, Natasha, Dylan, Iker, Saul (we met him last year, so it was really fun to see him!), Derek, Hillary, Jeorkel (I

¡Avenido 10 y más!

    Kachowdy Everyone (I learned Tesla cringes by this phrase as well as Ag ‘Em Giggies from a sticker I have so I’m going to continue to use them more often 🤠)!!      Today has been a good day, I feel much more rested than I did yesterday because I got much more sleep last night! Thank you all that have been praying for rest, I definitely felt rested today! We started out the day a bit later since we didn’t have to be at the CDI until 12:30ish. Before coming on the trip I started reading 2 Corinthians and today I read through chapter 6 and I think recently I’ve been thinking of how I can be genuine in my love for Jesus in all aspects of life even when I’m not directly talking about him or in a church setting or I guess mostly not feeling guilty for just being human and not exactly doing things wrong or bad, but just living and knowing I fully love Jesus and that all I am is through him and how he made me. With that this morning, in 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 Paul was talking about hardship

Up Up and Away!

       We have arrived in Costa Rica!! Praise God for getting us all here safely!!       Today has been a day filled with travel, laughter, food, and great conversations not only as a team but with new people that we met! 😊 Here's a play-by-play of my day:     My day started out at my sister's house in Round Rock because I had just moved out of my dorm on Friday and needed someone to drive me to the airport the next day. It was sweet to see family for a bit before I headed out. Around 11:45 I headed to the airport to meet up with the rest of my team coming from College Station. I got there a wee bit too early, but that was okay because I chilled, ate a snack, and played some games on my phone. During that period I met a couple people one of which was headed to Phoenix, Arizona and the other was headed to France! The airport is so cool, everyone is just living there life going to different parts of the world for many different reasons. I was just mesmerized by that fact! A bit

We leave SO soon!!

     I can't believe we are a week away from leaving! Where has the time gone?? I just remember praying and asking God if this was something he wanted me to do. And that was in November 2021. It's been about 226,080 minutes since then... lol 6 months ago. You know, this blog is going to be fun for me because my humor is all over the place 😁. Hope you stay and enjoy!       Anyways, I strongly felt the Lord put Costa Rica back on my heart but this time for a much longer time than last year. At first I was very hesitant because 10 weeks is kind of a long time. Many things went through my head on praying and thinking about going like family, school, money, and just many life things. Almost a week later from feeling hesitation about going I felt so much peace about it. I just felt the Lord reassure me that he is with me all the time and will make a way for everything to happen. I felt so comforted by him and I just had to apply. A few days later I found out I was accepted to go! I